ABC's of Autumn Joy
Water slipping through my fingers . . . ungraspable . . . experienced with wonder . . . these moments of time. I cannot hold and keep them. They are here, and they are gone. I must stay fully awake . . . fully aware. Listening for the nuances of inflection . . .seeing the details of design . . .sensing the joy of now . . . this moment . . . this gift.
What joys do this day hold? For what can I offer hearts of gratitude? What weaving of life’s tapestry is clearer today . . . brilliant threads of life transforming moments into eternal purpose.
Memories packed away in the albums of my mind remind me that life is a vapor . . . this eternal moment will leave only fossils to remind me of today’s joys.
Focus . . . absorb . . . pay attention! Fleeting moments of joy . . . I must not be distracted by the troubles of this life . . . these joys must be the crowning of every day. Lord, don’t let them escape my notice . . . let them be my focus . . . hearts of thanksgiving for gifts of joy.
ABC’s of Autumn Joys
Autumn apples crisp and fresh
Burning jack-o-lanterns begrudging dark evenings
Cold breath blowing on warm cider
Dawn . . . pink light on dusty fields
Evenings darken earlier each day
Fires flame fighting the nip of frost
Giggles of costumed princesses and ghouls
Hallowed and holy saints fighting evil
Iridescent reflections on new formed ice
Jumping and jostling in fallen leaves
Kisses of Jack Frost on kitchen windows
Layers of sweaters long and loose
Mittens on mornings cold
Nimble squirrels storing nuts
Orange hues in open fields
Pumpkins parade on courthouse lawns
Quilts quickly cover cold toes
Rush of wind rustles leaves
Sips from steaming mugs
Time changes turn clocks back
Ugly masks urge children to flee
Valiant knights fight victoriously
Witches sweep wild across yards
X-rayed skeletons are everywhere loose
Yawning deep on dark mornings
Zesty Zinnias nod good-byes