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Christmas Reflections

Christmas music was playing and snow was falling softly outside the kitchen window; it was a perfect day to bake Christmas cookies. I pulled out my Betty Crocker Cookbook for the cut-out-cookie recipe and noticed the worn cover and the shredding binding caused by 31 years of being yanked in and out of the cupboard where it was stuffed too tightly. I opened it almost reverently . . . running my hand over the wrinkled and stained pages with nostalgia. This book represented years of time: preparing meals as a newlywed, baking with my toddlers, teaching my middle school daughters how to cook, planning birthday parties, preparing for holidays, and searching for new ideas.

My mother-in-law, Ardith or “Mom Kloster,” gave me my Betty Crocker Cookbook when Nate and I were married. She was so excited to share it with me. As she pointed out her favorite meals in her worn copy (that looked like mine looks now), I remember thinking how new and shiny my book looked . . . and how her book represented years of memories and treasured times. Mom Kloster passed on a legacy of love and service that my cookbook reminded me of that day. This year, she is celebrating Christmas with Jesus. She was so ready to go . . . so joyfully anticipated seeing Jesus face to face and the reunion of her loved ones gone before her. She was 96, and she was such a gift to us every single day that she was alive. Now, we are next to carry on her precious legacy of love and service to God and others. By God’s grace, may we do it well.

And next year I need to buy a brand new Betty Crocker recipe book . . . for my daughter, Chelsey, who is getting married in June.

I am beginning to understand why God compares life on earth to a fading flower and a vapor in the mist. Generations fly by so quickly . . . when we just . . . blink. So we learn to treasure the moments of this day . . . this season. We love the ones we are with . . . we count the blessings of every day.

Generations of time pass quickly; praise God that he is faithful to every generation . . . our parents, our children, and those yet to be born.

The Klosters Christmas wish for you is that you find joy in each day, love the ones you are with, laugh often, and pursue time for peaceful reflection and worship of our Magnificent God and Savior.

May we all echo the words of Mary when she realized she would give birth to the Messiah, “Oh how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! . . . For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him.” (Luke 2: 46-50)

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