Treasure the Moments
This month as we focus on the giving of thanks and preparing for the holidays, I hope you treasure each moment of joy.
Learning to treasure each moment that God has given means we pay attention to the details at hand, take “worry thoughts” captive, count blessings, make the most of the current opportunity, and fulfill our God- given purpose each day. Sometimes we have to break time down to even smaller units – one hour at a time – one moment at a time – one breath at a time. Stretches of every day have pockets of happiness; we must be determined to bathe in those joy puddles. This takes self-disciplined thought and a focus on gratitude, but it can be done. Instead of simply enduring the difficult times, we need to search for meaning and purpose both in our current moments and their potential eternal impact.
Living “in the now” means we are focused on the purpose of the present moment. It is not contrary to living with an eternal focus because when our focus is eternal, the present tense becomes priceless. When we realize that what happens in each moment on earth affects eternity, the value of the present tense becomes an everlasting treasure.
This month as we focus on the giving of thanks and preparing for the holidays, I hope you treasure each moment of joy.